position paper


position paper

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Englannin sanakirja

position paper (englanti > suomi)

  1. kannanotto, linjaus, ohjelma

position paper englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An essay or report which expresses a position, conclusion, or recommendation concerning a contested issue or undecided question and which usually contains arguments or reasons in support of this position.

  2. 1972 Feb. 28, "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,905829,00.html The Supporting Cast in Peking," Time (retrieved 30 Oct 2016):

  3. He headed the China-watching Consulate General, and in 1963 drafted a position paper for President Kennedy that recommended rapprochement with China.
  4. 2001, w:Robert_C._Solomon Robert C. Solomon, "Review of Alchemies of the Mind: Rationality and the Emotions by Jon Elster," The Philosophical Review, vol. 110, no. 1, p. 104:

  5. The first chapter is a position paper on explanation in the social sciences, a plea for "mechanisms" as opposed to law-like principles.
  6. 2016 Aug. 26, (w), "http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/27/us/politics/clinton-and-trump-campaigns-are-buzzing-about-the-race-for-the-cabinet.html?_r=0 Clinton and Trump Campaigns Are Buzzing About the Race . . . for the Cabinet," New York Times (retrieved 30 Oct 2016):

  7. They oversee groups that are churning out position papers on counterterrorism, cybersecurity, democracy and human rights, and global development.
